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The Career Change I Never Thought I Needed!

career change - Minnie

This is a story of one recruiter whose life story is an inspiration to the young adults.


Who am I?

Minnie, just like the name suggests is an Intellectual lady full of wisdom. A laid back person, most people call me an Introvert but I guess with the right people around, I can be an extrovert.

My personality

Has a bubbly personality. I pretty much get along with lots of people. I have energy for days, lives a full life, full of positivity and a lot of hope for the future. I love being happy, a good laugh makes my days! Pretty much always smiling and cracking jokes. In short I am just a ball of positive Energy.

My dreams in my young age

I was passionate about Law from a young age but then a family member discouraged me saying I’ll just be defending thieves and murderers. That just instantly changed my mind, I wish I was more informed then. If I have to do law in future, it would have to be Human Rights Law, with a focus in social justice. I hate seeing people oppressed. I was also passionate about Humanitarian work, actually still am, every opportunity I get in my free time to participate in life changing events for marginalized people, I take it full on.

The shift in my career path

Right now, I would say my Career path is quite exciting. Never in my wildest dreams, did I ever think I would be recruiting healthcare professionals in the USA while in Kenya. I mean, people call me asking for work. Of course, I came in with a mindset that it would be a walk in the park, but I soon realized that is not the case in this business. As the President of the company often says, it’s a numbers game. The more your output the higher your chances of success. With time, I have become passionate about the recruiting process and the fulfillment it brings once I match and place candidates to the right employer and vice versa. I have also come to appreciate how dynamic and diverse the job markets are. I like how I am my own boss, as I get to determine what to work on a daily basis, with an end goal of meeting and exceeding my targets and getting that cash in the bank. I like that it’s not mundane and it’s not monotonous. I used to be a banker and that was not so interesting to say the least.

My daily routine

My daily routine is not fixed, just depending on what’s on the table for me but there are those things that are constant for me, and that’s Quite time with my Maker. God is my number one and I like to start the day with HIM. I exercise, read motivational books, especially business/money related. Love to listening to music, totally lifts my spirits.

Experience in the great family

I worked in a shared office that hosted VIZX when they were just beginning and that’s how I joined this great family. General experience has been fantastic, with lots of growth opportunities. So far, so good and I know it’s getting even better.

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The Career Change I Never Thought I Needed!