Vizx Global Solutions

You Can Be 23 And Have A 57 Year Old Best Friend at Work

Friendships at work

Editors’ Opinion

Few days back surfing through the streets of Twitter I came across a very interesting Twitter chain, I just had to write about. The whole conversation was based on Workplace Dynamics.

One James Irungu tweeted, “Workplace Dynamics are crazy. You can be 23 and have a 57-year-old best friend.”

This was the start of a very heartwarming conversation amongst many Kenyans on Twitter, with many commenting about the unique social relationships in the workplace that defied age groups.

The concept of workplace friendship was first examined in-depth by Sias and Cahill in their study in 1998 (Çalışkan, 2011). Berman, West and Richter (2002) expressed that workplace friendship exhibited itself as mutual trust, fancy, commitment, shared interests and values by identifying it as non-private, voluntary workplace relationships

So what’s makes a 23-year-old and a 57-year-old work place friendship special?

Over the year’s workplace bonds have been known to be made amongst people in the same age group. Discrepant relationships (friends differing in age at least 10 years) has always been regarded as less intense as compared to same age group friendships.

What has made your older co-worker your best friend? Apart from the daily 9-5 company, discrepant relationships have offered some sort of intimate connection that has increased connectivity, fulfillment, work productivity and loyalty.

What does these type of aged friendships offer in the workplace?

For the more elderly workmates hanging around a 23-year-old Jane Doe brings in a new fresh techno digital spice, sharing new knowledge of digital transformation and the tools while also keeping them on the know of the latest Digital Trends. Connecting them to a more Gen Z life experience to learn about. This might seem a little of convenience, but this gives the younger people a feeling of in-control and needed.

On the other hand, the 57-year-old Jane Doe, offers the 23-year-old a sense of home and belonging, getting into the work space tends to be scary for the younger ones. Having someone who’s already gone through it, knows what to and what not to, while giving you that feeling that you can open up and connect even to share personal information makes the work place a second home.

I guess the vulnerability of both the 57-year-old and the 23-year-old to open up is what creates this unique friendship in the workplace.

So what did Kenyans have to say about this new workplace friendship?

Personally, I’ve had the experience of having a 71-year-old best friend at 22 in the workplace. I was a young Communication graduate with skills, walking around with my file of published stories hoping to find Lady Luck. In some unexpected encounter I met the 71-year-old who mentored me, constantly pushing my potential while being that friend I didn’t know I ever needed. Am glad I have 71-year-old Jane Doe.

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You Can Be 23 And Have A 57 Year Old Best Friend at Work