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Why Am Turning My TV Off for the Next 30 Days?

Here’s why I’m turning off my T.V. for the next 30 days, and why you should too.

T.V. content keeps you up to date with what’s happening around you and the world

When you turn the T.V. on in the morning, you invite the world into your home. You are virtually anywhere you want to be by the click of your remote controller, from one channel to another. Is this healthy?

Viewing habits can affect your thinking, attitude, and mood both positively and negatively. Sometimes you will find “feel good” content that will make you smile as you get ready for work, and other times you’ll be met with programs that show the sad realities of the world, leaving you cranky in the end. Constantly subjecting your mind to this hot and cold situation is bound to leave you stressed and a little less willing to get your day going, worried things won’t always be right for you. “If things are not going great in the world, how am I different?”

We become what we consume

As much as technology has enabled us to have the freedom to dictate what to watch nowadays, one still has to revisit local T.V. to catch up with the nation. And currently, our country’s financial crisis, inflation, the impending Monkey Pox pandemic, and the political push and pull are the main stories many viewers are subjected to daily. These lack an element of hope, hope that the future is bright and waking up every day to work feels like being stuck in a cycle that will eventually suck up all your energy without remorse only to spit you back to bleakness.

According to a study by Psychology Today, individuals who observe as small as 15 minutes of “negative T.V. News” have appeared to have an increment in discouraged disposition, uneasiness, and inclination to be more disastrous to the individual’s mood and attitude towards life. ( )

Understanding how your sensational yet everyday aggravating watch list gets you agitated, angry, and unwilling to tackle your day with positivity is a start. Then, knowing the right time to consume content will be helpful; you can choose to consume content in the evening rather than morning to allow you to have a stress-free day. Similarly, vice-versa depending on your work schedule. See the world for yourself rather than in the eyes of others. Lastly, this is the hard one: discipline is the most challenging attribute. How can one avoid T.V. when you can consume it from your hand?

So this is why I will switch off T.V. for the next 30 days.

I want to have my best attitude.

I want to be ready to positively handle every task handed over to me.

Be more productive.

Socialize more.

Read more books.

Take up a new hobby.

How does this relate to you at work?

What you constantly consume determines your attitude, from T.V Viewership to as little as conversations with your friends or workmates about work or at work.

Consumption and perception of your surroundings will not only entail what you watch but also what you hear and associate with. What’s your work environment, and who are your work buddies? Similarly, as you subscribe to hours of the screenplay and take something out of it. Your mind does the same with your interactions at work.

Are you surrounded by go-getters who constantly challenge you to be your best? Or are you continually hanging out with naysayers and chronic complainers, slowly derailing you into their culture?

Finally, what can you control that will change your attitude and perception of things around You?

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Why Am Turning My TV Off for the Next 30 Days?