Vizx Global ISS

Thriving Women in RPO- Joyce Nduni

Women in RPO business - Joyce nduni

1. Who is Joyce?

This is always such a hard question to answer, to be honest. Should I give a surface answer or delve deep? Quite the conundrum. The short answer is that Joyce is born again, Loves Jesus with her whole soul. A recruiter and pod manager at VIZX international staffing solutions.

2. What sparked your interest in working in the recruitment industry?

To be honest, I lucked into it. It wasn’t something that was on my radar. And now, I cannot imagine doing anything else. There has been a niche in the marketplace for effective recruiting, and I am glad I am able to do my part

3. Would you term the RPO Industry as “the best workplace” for women? Why?

I would say yes. Most international companies are outsourcing recruiters globally. This has been effective in that it recognizes and supports the different identities women hold, ensuring their daily experiences are positive and consistent, acknowledges women as a valuable talent pool, and strives for fair representation of women in the workforce and throughout managerial roles. The RPO industry has made most women feel safe since they are majorly remote, and this has allowed the women to soar!

4. What makes a good recruiter?

Wonderful Question. A good communicator. One who listens. Confident, not arrogant. Good sales skills with buckets and buckets of patience.

5. Has the Recruitment industry changed since you joined? If so, how has the change affected your career growth?

Yes! Cut down on manual applications has greatly decreased if not eliminated completely with the advancement of technology and AI. More visibility for roles you’ve qualified for with increasing contract assignments. Diversity in skill. Covid pandemic. When changes happen you either pivot and adjust, or you are swallowed and disappear. With the help of management, we have been able to adjust, and I have seen my career grow in leaps and bounds.

6. Do you think women are more vested in recruiting than men?

No. The recruitment industry is not gender-biased. Both Men and Women have thrived. It’s more of an individual rather than a gender.

7. How can women in the workplace uplift each other, considering Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion?

Always remember that just because another woman is doing the same thing that you are, she is not your competition. There is enough room for everyone to prosper! It is up to us to be our sister’s keeper. To invest and mentor each other. To provide platforms and opportunities where we can win. Choose words wisely. Affirm and correct and build. And most importantly, to respect each other.

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Thriving Women in RPO- Joyce Nduni