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Start Today

Start today

1) Start today

A year from now, you will wish you had started today.
Time goes away and leaves us with only one of these two things: regret or results.
A year from now, you will wish you had unfollowed emotionally draining people.
A year from now, you will wish you had said ‘no’ more often.
A year from now, you will wish you had said ‘yes’ to yourself more often.
A year from now, you will never be sure of the results.
But you can certainly be sure of regret if you don’t start today.
What is the single biggest thing you can do to help you achieve professional success?
People do not have to follow up when you commit to doing something.
That’s it!


2) Becoming a Great Recruiter

The pro is the amateur who simply shows up every day.
No one is born a pro.
The pro is the amateur who puts in their reps.
The pro is an amateur who fell in love with the process.
The pro is the amateur who chose practice and sleep over binge-watching.
The pro is the amateur who worked hard even when they had zero audiences.
The pro is the amateur who persisted even when nothing seemed like it was working.
The pro is the amateur who refused to be called an amateur and chose to let their hard work do the talking.
The pro is the one who chose discipline Over excuses

Ankur Warikoo

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