Spice the festive season in the workplace this holiday. Aside from the usual fun workplace Christmas stickers and decorations, get all your employees and colleagues to play Secret Santa.
So, what is Secret Santa?
Secret Santa is a Christmas tradition where a group of people (family, friends, or colleagues) participate in a gift exchange game. In this gift exchange game, every member of the group draws a name from a pool of names to become someone’s secret Santa.
The Secret Santa is assigned a random person in the group who they gift for Christmas. The twist also comes after the gifted receive their gift and are supposed to guess who their secret Santa was.
It’s a super fun activity for the office during the festive season, what keeps it going is the mystery and suspense in the game, well apart from the gifts.
Secret Santa Rules.
Like any other game, Secret Santa also has rules. Here are some of the rules that have kept this game a Christmas favorite:
1. Write Down Names:
Everybody in the office should participate. Write down everyone’s names in a piece of paper. You can put all the papers folded in a hat or box.
2. Making Wish Lists.
Ask everyone to note down three wishes or gifts they’d want for Christmas. Ask them to be specific. This gives the Secret Santa a clue of what to gift their giftee for Christmas.
3. Draw the names from the pool.
This is the exciting part, to draw. With the papers containing the names in a hat or bowl or basket. Ask everyone to pick a piece of paper one by one. Anonymity and secrecy is the key in this part of the game.
4. Set a date for the Celebration.
Create an event for the gifting part of the game. Have employees mark their calendars and each Secret Santa to come with the gift.
5. The Celebration.
On this day let the employees place all the gifts with name cards in one place. Then have everyone pick their gift. This part also has a twist have the gifted employees try and guess who their Secret Santa was.
That’s how you can play Secret Santa to lighten the Christmas spirits.
Leave a comment and tell us how it went down in your workspace or amongst your friends or family.
Feliz Navidad!
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